Airtificial GroupIntelligent Robots

Airtificial signs a 4 million agreement on EV’s assembly line


Airtificial signs a 4 million euros agreement with one of the largest global Tier 1 automotive companies for the design and turnkey manufacture of an assembly and inspection line for electric vehicle battery radiators. This contract, awarded to the Airtificial Intelligent Robots unit, specialising in advanced industrial robotics, reaffirms the Company’s positioning and leadership as a designer and supplier of large industrial production projects that improve efficiency and contribute to one of the great challenges facing the industry today: the electrification of the vehicle fleet for more sustainable mobility.

This project will feature industry-leading specifications and technologies to ensure optimum performance of the line, which will have a production capacity of around 800,000 parts per year. The design will occupy some 800 square metres in the new plant and will include 20 large robots, capable of operating autonomously within a range of 3 metres and with up to 120 kg of force. All of this technological equipment will be integrated with cameras to view, analyse and manipulate the radiators that are later integrated into the batteries of electric cars.

Airtificial will also integrate industrial processes such as caulking, to ensure the sealing of components; clinching, for the simple and effective joining of materials without the need for welding; and laser cleaning. The integration of the latter will be done with Airtificial’s own technology that eliminates contaminants from the line. In addition, Airtificial will incorporate several inspection stations with 3D profilers that ensure better performance and supervision of the products on the line through artificial vision.

The project will be fully integrated into the new assembly plant of a globally recognised Tier 1 company. This is a strategic project for Airtificial as, in addition to reinforcing its position in electric mobility, it fits with the core business of the unit, due to the high customer profile and its potential commercial path, opening the door to new potential projects in this new manufacturing plant.

This new agreement gives Airtificial greater visibility and industrial activity in the sector and adds to the portfolio of valuable contracts awarded by the Intelligent Robots unit. This unit, with manufacturing plants in the Barcelona area, has accumulated several engineering projects of high added value by type of customer, sectors and the use of advanced technologies. This context establishes Airtificial as a designer and supplier of large-scale industrial projects of high technological and technical complexity all over the world.

Guillermo Fernández de Peñaranda, CEO of Airtificial, highlights that ‘this new award represents another step forward in the fulfilment of our roadmap to position Airtificial as an industrial benchmark supplier in projects of high technological value in a sector in constant growth, such as the automotive sector. This is a strategic project through which we provide one of the main Tier 1 with a highly differential technology, and this reaffirms the confidence that the main players in the sector place in Airtificial when implementing this type of technologies and industrial processes”.


About Airtificial  

Airtificial provides global and innovative design and manufacturing solutions for the automotive, aeronautics, infrastructure, and other industrial sectors, integrating advanced technologies, such as robotics and artificial intelligence that, together with human interaction, contribute to a more sustainable development. It has an operational presence in thirteen countries in the main markets of Europe, America, and Asia; and contributes to the digital transformation and the automation and optimisation of its customers’ processes in the industrial field through sustainable and competitive growth.  

Press contact:

Iñigo Palacio & Berta de Arístegui


(+34) 91 576 52 50