Data Subjects’ Rights Management Procedure
Current data protection legislation regulates both the rights that the data subject may exercise and the mechanisms for exercising such rights towards the Controller. This request should be sent:
1.-The rights that the Data Subject may exercise are as follows:
2.- Reply deadlines
The deadlines available to the Controller for resolving the exercise of the above rights by the data subject are set out below:
The Controller shall provide the data subject with the exercise of his or her rights and information on the actions requested and carried out without delay and, at the latest, within one month of receipt of the request.
This period may be extended beyond one month, but in such cases AIRTIFICIAL shall carry the burden of proving that the request is manifestly unfounded or excessive.
The data subject may exercise his or her data protection rights free of charge.
In any case, all applications must be accompanied by:
If you do not refer to a specific filing system, you will be provided with all the information held by the company in your name.
If you request information on a specific filing system, only the information on this filing system.
If you request information relating to a third party, it will never be provided.
If you request it by telephone, you will be instructed to do so in writing and you will be informed of how to do so and the address to which you should send it. You will never be given information by telephone.